Staff search & support


looking to fill a position on your staff?

There is no such thing as a “permanent hire.” Every staff person, pastor, and leader eventually moves on. Ministry Leadership Initiative recommends that churches and organizations examine staffing structures when job openings emerge.

Staff transitions provide an opportunity to evaluate and ask questions. What kind of leader would be ideal in these transitions? How should the job description change? Are there ways that the current staff can adapt their jobs to do ministry better?

The experts at MLI can help train your search team to post the job, interview, and successfully screen candidates.

Consider training your newly-hired staff person with the MLI training certification program. MLI alumni grow attendance in their ministry settings, and they stay longer in their jobs!


identify emerging leadership needs in your church with a listening session

Your church has a ministry job opening. How do you find the best candidate for the position? MLI offers an affordable option that will help move your process forward with your congregation.

More often than not, church members will share information with our expert facilitators that they won’t share with their pastor. In this on-site visit, a member from the MLI team will visit with 10-30 members of your church community in a listening session.

Together, we will discuss the history and hopes of your ministry and form some interview questions that help identify the ministry needs and leadership traits we prioritize together.

The listening session would accomplish two goals — to help your search team determine the most ideal qualities in your next leader and to stimulate some discussion and excitement in your ministry.