Meet the Director

Amy and Matt Vaughan

Amy and Matt Vaughan

Matt Vaughan (pictured in 2017 with his wife, Amy) founded Ministry Leadership Initiative in 2013 alongside the counsel and support of a wise and invested board. Matt previously served in youth ministry for 18 years at four churches, in addition to teaching middle school with Teach For America and AmeriCorps in Kansas City, Missouri. He continues to teach a weekly Sunday School class for youth. Matt also serves as an instructor at Saint Paul School of Theology and the Institute for Discipleship at Southwestern College.

He loves hiking in the mountains, enjoying chocolate chip cookies, and cheering for his favorite teams. Matt likes trying new things—he’s driven a race car, worked on a cattle farm, surfed on the North Shore, and completed two marathons—but his favorite thing is spending time with his wife, Amy, and their two teenage boys. Their energetic Labrador Retriever is often referred to as “the third child.”

Matt earned an architecture degree from the University of Kansas and a master’s degree in youth ministry from Southwestern College. Matt’s strength lies in leadership development and discipleship—18 of his former youth and interns responded to a call to ministry by going to seminary, and most became ordained.


Hear More from Matt